Depaul University Class Schedule (2025)

1. Schedule of Classes - Chicago - DePaul University

  • Static PDF Schedule Documents · Undergraduate Winter · Graduate Winter · Undergrad​uate Spring · Gradua​te Spring · Underg​raduate Summer · Gradu​​ate Summer.

  • Search the DePaul University schedule of classes.

2. Academic Calendar | DePaul University, Chicago

  • Final Exam Schedule · Law Calendar · Archive · Religious Observances

  • ", "ID": 497}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020", "Academic_x0020_Term":"Summer Term (10-week term)", "Date": "2020-08-02T00:00:00", "Event_x0020_Type": "Deadline", "LinkTitle": "Last day to withdraw from Summer 2020 Term classes", "Description":null, "ID": 521}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020", "Academic_x0020_Term":"Summer Session 2 (5-week term)", "Date": "2020-08-11T00:00:00", "Event_x0020_Type": "Deadline", "LinkTitle": "Last day to withdraw from SUII 2020 classes", "Description":null, "ID": 522}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020", "Academic_x0020_Term":"Summer Term (10-week term)", "Date": "2020-08-23T00:00:00", "Event_x0020_Type": "Begin/End Date", "LinkTitle": "END SUMMER 2020 TERM", "Description":null, "ID": 524}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020", "Academic_x0020_Term":"Summer Session 2 (5-week term)", "Date": "2020-08-23T00:00:00", "Event_x0020_Type": "Begin/End Date", "LinkTitle": "END SUMMER SESSION II 2020", "Description":null, "ID": 523}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020", "Academic_x0020_Term":"Summer Term (10-week term)", "Date": "2020-08-28T00:00:00", "Event_x0020_Type": null, "LinkTitle": "\"IN\" grades issued Autumn 2019 lapse to \"F\"", "Description":null, "ID": 500}, {"Academic_x0020_Calendar_x0020_Ye": "2019-2020",...

3. Courses & Schedules | Undergraduate | Admission & Aid

  • You can find the current quarter's course schedule below, on the University Registrar website or by searching in Campus Connect. Watch this video tutorial to ...

  • DePaul operates on a quarter system, with three 10-week quarters (Fall, Winter, Spring) making up the formal academic year (beginning of September through mid-June). Between mid-June and mid-August, the university also offers a full 10-week summer session, as well as two distinct five-week (Summer I and Summer II) sessions. There is also a three-week December intersession.

4. Course Schedule - DePaul CDM

5. Courses and Schedules | Newly Admitted Graduate Students

  • Classes on the Loop Campus are held from 5:45-9 p.m. and classes on the Lincoln Park Campus are held from 6-9:15 p.m. Most graduate Communication classes are ...

  • ​Graduate courses are offered in the evenings (Monday-Thursday) to accommodate students who work or intern during the day. Classes on the Loop Campus are held from 5:45-9 p.m. and classes on the Lincoln Park Campus are held from 6-9:15 p.m. Most graduate Communication classes are located on the Loop campus, occasionally on the Lincoln Park Campus.

6. Course Schedules and Registration | DePaul University, Chicago

  • Course Schedules and Registration · Course Schedules​ · Academic Calendar · Course Information Guides · How to Register in Campus Connect · Study Abroad ​ ...

  • School of Continuing and Professional Studies > Student Resources > Course Schedules and Registration

7. Block Schedule - DePaul College Prep

8. Class Schedules & Academic Calendars - DePaul College of Law

  • 2024-2025 Class Schedules · Autumn 2024 Schedule (06.05.24) · Autumn 2024 LLM MLS Courses (06.05.24) · Spring 2025 Schedule (04.02.24) ...

  • College of Law > Student Life > Course Information & Registration > Class Schedules & Academic Calendars

9. DePaul College Prep: Home

  • On the Calendar. Jul 17 2024. Summer School. Jul ...

  • Home - DePaul College Prep

10. 2023-24 MEN'S BASKETBALL Schedule - DePaul Athletics

  • The official 2023-24 MEN'S BASKETBALL schedule for the DePaul University Blue Demons.

  • The official 2023-24 MEN'S BASKETBALL schedule for the DePaul University Blue Demons

11. Schedule of Classes - DePaul University, Chicago

  • For more up-to-date information, please utilize the dynamic Schedule of Classes above or the Class Search in Campus Connect. Driehaus College of Business 2023- ...

  • Search the DePaul University schedule of classes.

12. DePaul University Spring Undergraduate Online Course ...

  • 15 mrt 2020 · View Term Calendar · Registration Schedule · Final Exam Schedule. Related Sites. Timetable · Change Link · Change Link. Office of the Registrar.

  • DePaul University Spring Undergraduate Online Course Offerings

13. DePaul University - Morton College

  • DePaul University. 27apr10:00 am1:00 pmDePaul University. Time. April 27 ... Summer 2024 Class Schedule (PDF) · Fall 2024 Class Schedule (PDF) · Get Program ...

  • The Blackboard app gives you the information you want, the connections you crave, and the personalization you demand, on the go. We're putting learning directly in the hands of students, so you can stay connected with your educational journey anytime, anywhere.

Depaul University Class Schedule (2025)


Is 3 classes full-time at DePaul? ›

Most DePaul courses are worth 4 quarter hours of credit. The full-time student tuition package includes 12-18 quarter hours. We recommend that students take four courses (16 quarter hours) each quarter, if their schedule allows.

Does DePaul have night classes? ›

Designed specifically for you.

That's why our classes are offered at night and online. SCPS offers a variety of degrees and certificates with a flexible approach shaped by your unique needs as an adult learner.

How long is a term at DePaul? ›

DePaul University's academic calendar is based on the quarter system. The regular academic year consists of three 10-week quarters: fall, winter and spring. The summer quarter is one academic term, but classes vary in length - some are 10 weeks, while others are only 5 weeks.

Does DePaul have semesters? ›

The College of Law operates on semesters, but the rest of DePaul operates on a quarter system, which means classes only meet for 10 weeks. In that time, you start a new course, read a lot of material, write a lot of papers and take exams!

Can I take 20 credit hours at DePaul? ›

Yes, but it is not generally advisable as this is an extremely heavy workload and your grades may suffer as a result. Students who intend to enroll in more than 20 credit hours in a quarter must apply to the LAS College Office for permission using the 20+ Hour Request Form.

How many days a week do you have class in college? ›

A class that meets for an hour two or three days a week is a standard college schedule for full-time students. Before registering for your first year, you may be wondering “how many classes should I take a semester to graduate on time?” When attending college full-time, students must take a minimum of 12 credits.

What major is DePaul known for? ›

The most popular majors at DePaul University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Visual and Performing Arts; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Social Sciences; Psychology; Education; Health Professions and Related ...

Is DePaul a dry campus? ›

Students, even those 21 years of age or older, may not possess or consume alcohol in common or non-reserved areas on university premises.

Is DePaul a prestigious school? ›

DePaul University is ranked #151 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is the common hour at DePaul? ›

Within each Chicago Quarter course, one hour of class each week (10 hours total) is dedicated to Common Hour, a co-curricular program designed to address common issues of transition for first-year students.

How big is the DePaul freshman class? ›

DePaul welcomed a class of 2,774 new freshmen in fall 2020, the largest freshman class in DePaul's history, an increase of 147 students compared with 2019. Enrollment increased in all colleges with the exception of CMN. CDM enrolled the largest proportion of freshmen at 25%.

How much is DePaul tuition per year? ›

How many classes is full-time at DePaul? ›

How many classes do I need to take to be a full-time student? Most DePaul courses are worth 4 quarter hours of credit. The full-time student tuition package includes 12-18 quarter hours. We recommend that students take four courses (16 quarter hours) each quarter, if their schedule allows.

What month do DePaul students graduate? ›

DePaul holds one commencement ceremony each year in June at the Wintrust Arena .

What grade is passing at DePaul? ›

(Grades A through D represent passing performance.)

What is a full-time student at DePaul? ›

Full-time Student Status

A 12 quarter hour course load is required for undergraduate students to be considered a full-time student for purposes of financial aid in a given term.

What is the difference between full-time and part-time at DePaul? ›

Full-time and part-time students are considered active as long as they are registered each quarter. Graduate students enrolled for eight or more credit hours are considered full-time. Those enrolled in four to seven credit hours are considered part-time.

What is the 3 and 3 program DePaul? ›

Students complete their first three years in the College that hosts their BA program and their final three years in the College of Law. Students receive the Bachelor of Arts degree after successful completion of their first year of law school.

How many classes per quarter in DePaul? ›

The normal course load is four (4) courses (16 hours) per quarter and the normal limit is five (5) courses (20 hours) per quarter.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.